Install with helm
KusionStack Operating requires Kubernetes version >= 1.18
# Firstly add charts repository if you haven't do this.
$ helm repo add kusionstack
# To update the kusionstack repo.
$ helm repo update kusionstack
# Install the latest version.
$ helm install operating kusionstack/operating
# Upgrade to the latest version
$ helm upgrade operating kusionstack/operating
# Uninstall
$ helm uninstall operating
Helm is a tool for managing packages of pre-configured Kubernetes resources.
Optional: chart parameters
The following table lists the configurable parameters of the chart and their default values.
Parameter | Description | Default |
namespace | namespace for Operating installation | kusionstack-system |
namespaceEnabled | Whether to create the installation.namespace | true |
managerReplicas | Replicas of Operating deployment | 3 |
image.repo | Repository for operating image | kusionstack/operating |
image.pullPolicy | Image pull policy for operating-manager container | IfNotPresent |
image.tag | Tag for operating-manager image | v0.1.0 |
resources.limits.cpu | CPU resource limit of operating-manager container | 500m |
resources.limits.memory | Memory resource limit of operating-manager container | 128Mi |
resources.requests.cpu | CPU resource request of operating-manager container | 10m |
resources.requests.memory | Memory resource request of operating-manager container | 64Mi |